Will stress kill cats? Understanding feline stress hazards

Stress is a cat's normal physiological response to danger, threat, or discomfort. This response releases adrenaline and cortisol, preparing the body for "fight or flight". 

Cat stress may be managed in numerous ways, thankfully. Creating a quiet and predictable environment for your cat is crucial. Provide plenty of hiding spaces, maintain a schedule, and minimize stress.

Giving your cat mental and physical stimulation can also relieve tension and boredom. Regular playtime, engaging toys, and scratching posts are examples.

Cats prefer routines and familiarity. Moving, changing room layout, or getting new furniture might make cats anxious. Changes in feeding times and litter box placement might also stress them.

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Cats instinctively defend their territory and get nervous if threatened. New pets and people can stress cats, causing behavioral changes and hostility.

Pain and illness can give cats worry, and persistent illness can create anxiety. Some drugs might negatively affect cats, causing tension and discomfort.

A consistent cat habit can help decrease the impact of routine changes. This includes feeding them at the same time, playing with them, and keeping a sleep pattern.

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