The friendliest cat breeds

Abyssinian,This cat breed is frequently considered one of the most entertaining to own. Intelligent and playful.

Though they may not want to cuddle with you, they will play with everyone in the house and be quite good at sharing their space with kids and other pets.

Persian,These kittens are noted for being quiet and kind. They will enjoy sitting in their throne (your lap, in case you didn't get the memo) and being worshipped as this regal breed expects.

They will be very close to their family, yet they may not have time to notice newcomers.

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Bombay,Some people think black cats are unlucky, but they've never met a Bombay cat.

The Maine coon may fulfill your ideal of a cat with a huge heart and physique.

Giant love bugs may look threatening because they're bigger than cats, yet they're gentle giants.

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