Get Your Cat to Play

Interact with your cat Some toys are okay to leave out for your cat to play with, but interacting with her and truly engaging in the play session is a great way to bond and get her active.

Mimic a Hunt Your cute cat wants to release her hunting energy. Playtime lets your cat feel like she's hunting. Move a wand toy with a mouse or feathers like small mammals and birds.

Provide Variety of Toys Your cat may get bored with the same toys, so give her variety. Introduce kicker, tunnel, and electrical toys. To keep things fresh, rotate your toys by putting some away and bringing others out. 

Age and playstyle Cats have different playing preferences. If you have multiple cats, they may not like the same toys or jump while the other stays on the ground. 

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Take time. Some cats won't play right away when you give them a toy. It may take a few minutes for your cat to decide to play, so keep moving the toy to see if she changes her mind.  

Address each cat differently in a multi-cat home. Having multiple cats that love playing together is amazing! Create an area for your timid cat to play with you alone if she doesn't enjoy your other cats bouncing and racing around

Many reasons exist for a cat to stop playing, and changing toys or approaches might make all the difference. If your cat won't play, see a vet.

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