Best Horoscopes for 3 Zodiac Signs October 6, 2023

Moon conjunct Vesta in Cancer supports you today. Channeling this energy into artistic or spiritual initiatives will maximize its benefits.

 This wonderful vibe will help religious prayers. Vesta trine Saturn protects you today, so don't be surprised if an authority person gives you advice.

Virgo, your mind can overcome others' doubts. Don't let haters depress you. Today, cosmic forces favor you, and I want to remind you of your cleverness and kindness.

Today, Sun conjunct Pallas in Libra and Mars in Libra benefit you most. These semi-sextile planets will assist you leave your comfort zone with training wheels. 

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If called, light a yellow candle at dawn or dusk to do right by yourself one day at a time. Jar candles are ideal for this because you may leave the flame blazing until you feel it's time to close.

Scorpio, today's energies will serve you. Don't let peer pressure steer your luck toward others. They may not realize it, but living by someone else's whims will always have the same effect.

Your key astrological influence today is North Node in Aries. This is a chance to embrace your Mar-heavy nature and improve your life. While difficult, growth is in your best interest.

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